06 July 2009

Going GREEN again

Discussion question on the Group Green on LinkedIn, "Is Man-Made Global Warming Real? - The Number of Skeptics is Swelling - Many Scientists Beg to Differ..." posted 3 days ago generated 90 responses. These responses ranged from
  • Calling Man made Global Warming a religion
  • This is a cycle and man has no or very little contribution (Mother Nature just being bitchy)
  • Almost totally our fault
  • Spending money and imposing taxes under the Energy Bill will undermine the US economy and freedoms among other things
  • Others who say, well maybe it is not totally our fault but we did abuse the planet and we need to help fix it.
and on and on.

They all quoted science and media sources (of course accusations of bias were all over the place)

Well, certainly a very emotive issue and from the looks of it both sides are pretty much not budging from their respective positions (nothing new here).

Well, I am no climate change expert, all I know is we abused Mother Nature a lot in the last few decades and it is about time we do something to repair the damage and if this helps with global warming so much the better.

What amazes me that all the so called conservatives who believe we had nothing to do with global warming focus on the cost issue of the equation and refuse to acknowledge the long term effect of incentivising the current GREEN industrial base to transform it into a major segment of the economy thus expanding the opportunities for creativity and innovation and yes my dear friends making money (that can not be too bad). I suppose you have to spend money to make money, or do we all want to repeat history (steel, auto, and others) of those who failed to invest and are/were in dire straits.

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